Posts in Relationships
10 Tips to Help You Heal After a Break-Up

Breakups are hard. This is obviously not news. But even though we already know that to be true, what we still often get hung up on (even if we’ve been through multiple breakups before) is: how in the world do I begin to get over it, move on, and heal after a relationship has ended? Here are some real tips, beyond making sure you “eat, shower, sleep, repeat” that will help you on your journey to reconnecting with yourself as an individual post-breakup.

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10 Ways to Increase Intimacy in Your Relationship

Intimacy and vulnerability are an essential part of a healthy relationship. Our day to day lives are ridden with stressors that easily create a barrier to maintaining and cultivating connection in our relationships. Check out The Therapy Group's 10 tips to increase intimacy in your relationship with your partner.

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12 Types of Emotional Abuse That Aren't Physical Violence

It is imperative to also note that in addition to physical injury and assault, domestic violence can also be emotional and psychological, but is often minimized as not being “that bad,” because it did not cause physical harm. In fact, emotional and psychological abuse is substantially more prevalent than physical abuse, yet is not as often identified and addressed. Explained further below are twelve types of emotional and psychological abuse that do not cause physical injury.

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