what is the
This workshop is for couples who are looking to build a deeper emotional connection, closeness and intimacy, and to better understand why they are having conflict, getting to the core of the disconnect.
During the workshop, couples will understand the negative cycle that they get stuck in, the “pain points” or old wounds in their relationship, which ends up driving the way they respond and react to their partner, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their partner.

THE DEMON dialogues: understanding the negative cycle in your relationship that creates a disconnect between partners & Learning how each partner contributes to this cycle.
“Finding the Raw Spots” : learning what the tender spots are in yourself and the relationship that ends up triggering conflict.
Revisiting a rocky moment: looking at a moment in the relationship where you felt the cycle come to life and discuss what a new positive interactional cycle could be.
Hold me Tight: accessing your deeper vulnerable emotions with your partner.
Forgiving Injuries: repairing from injuries that have happened in your relationship.
Bonding through sex and touch: learning about the interconnectedness of emotion and sex.
Keeping your love alive: discussing how you can continue to feel safe, close, and connected moving forward.

after completing the hold me tight workshop
a new positive interactional cycle to help decrease conflict
restored closeness and repair from past hurts in the relationship
an understanding of the root cause of where conflict stems from and how to better communicate your deeper, more vulnerable feelings with one another

This workshop is done with other couples. While there is a group component to the workshop, no couple is required to speak in front of the small group. The small group part of the workshop is mainly used for the educational aspects and videos of the skill that will be taught.
When not in the small group, each couple will have their own space to have the conversation that was discussed in the small group. I will be able to spend some time with each couple during the breakout time. There will be a max amount of five couples.
The benefit of doing this in a group setting is to decrease the feelings of isolation and loneliness in the struggles that are inevitable in any couple relationship. Vulnerability is hard and no one should have to hold their emotions in isolation. -
Couples who are struggling in moving past conflict or have reoccurring conflict
Couples who are looking to address and begin the healing process of “wounds” and “injuries” that have happened in their relationship that they have not yet healed from
Couples who are disconnected
Couples who are struggling to communicate with each other; especially struggling to express their deeper vulnerable feelings
Couples longing to have a closer bond and connection
Couples who have a mixed agenda. One person wants to stay in the relationship and the other person does not
Ongoing affairs. It can be for couples who are trying to repair from past affairs
Couples experiencing violence in the relationship
This workshop can be done in conjunction with couples therapy if you are feeling like you need extra support and it can help facilitate what is being worked on in therapy. However, being in couples therapy is not required for this workshop. This workshop is great if committing to weekly sessions is difficult.
This workshop is two days long:
Day 1: November 16th: 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00
Day 2: November 17th: 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00
Fee: $1,250.00 per couple
how do I sign up?

meet your expert
My name is Nicole Lewis (she/her/hers) and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has a true passion for helping couples navigate through struggles in their relationship. The main goal is to help couples feel more safe, connected, and secure. Without feeling securely attached, it ends up driving the struggle in connection and communication with one another. I take an active approach in the sessions by helping couples slow down communication to pay closer attention to our vulnerable emotions, attachments needs, and attachment longings to be able to turn towards our partner and share this in a way that can reach them.
I specialize in working with couples through conflict, communication issues, affairs, disconnection, and intimacy/sex. I work from the model emotionally focused couples therapy and have advanced training in the model. I received my graduate degree from LaSalle University.
My favorite thing about being a therapist is watching couples repair, reconnect, and be vulnerable with each other after the struggles they experienced together. It takes courage to be vulnerable and watching couple put themselves out there in that way is a beautiful thing to be a part of.

Ready to enroll? Click on the link and we will get you signed up:
Still unsure?
Still have questions about whether the workshop is the right fit for you? No problem! Nicole is happy to answer your questions. Fill out a contact form and she will be reaching out to you directly.